Companion Scholastic Tournament
We recognize that some players aren’t able to take an entire weekend to play in a chess tournament, prefer to play a shorter time control than the HSMS offers, would rather not record their games, or just don’t feel ready yet to play rated chess. We designed the COMPANION SCHOLASTIC TOURNAMENT to give them an alternative opportunity to enjoy the HSMS experience.
The COMPANION SCHOLASTIC TOURNAMENT, held on Saturday only, February 24, will be played concurrently with the first day of the 2024 Ohio HSMS Championships tournament. It will be played in the same venue, but in its own exclusive space and with its own schedule, its own prizes, and its own tournament director. This tournament is for players in grades K through 5, has no residency requirement, and offers both a rated section (for which USCF membership is required) and a non-rated section (where players can play with or without a USCF membership). Only 48 seats are available for both sections combined due to the capacity of the playing space.
Tournament details:
The tournament will be a 5-round Swiss tournament with a time control of G/30;d5. There are two sections:
- K-5 U500: Players must have a current USCF membership to play in this section and have a rating below 500. We will use official USCF Regular ratings as of February 1, 2024 to determine section eligibility. Players who are officially unrated may play in this section and will earn a rating.
- K-5 Non-Rated: Players must be officially unrated as of February 1, 2024 to play in this section and will not earn a rating. Players may play in this section with or without a USCF membership.
The playing schedule is as follows: rounds at 11:00, 12:15, 1:30, 2:45 and 4:00, with awards as soon as possible after round 5 ends.
Players who are not present at their assigned board at the start of round 1 will be forfeited and may be withdrawn from the tournament. Players arriving late should see the tournament director immediately upon arrival to avoid being withdrawn. In rounds 2 through 5 players will be forfeited and withdrawn if they arrive at their assigned board after 15 minutes of their time has elapsed. Players withdrawn in this situation may be reinstated at the tournament director’s discretion.
Players may take one half-point bye for any round and must commit to any byes before noon.
Players are not required to take notation (record the moves of the game) in either section.
All players scoring 3.5 or more in each section will win a trophy.
CSC will provide clocks, boards, pieces and scoresheets. Players may use their own scoresheets, including USCF-approved electronic scoresheets, or scorebooks if they choose.
More information/questions:
Email, or phone/text Alan at 513-600-9915.