Cincinnati Scholastic Chess

Inviting you to enjoy the king of games in the Queen City

Sunday 3-Round Swiss Tournament

Click here to go directly to the 3-Round Swiss Online Entry Form.

Note: The entry deadline for the 3-Round Swiss tournament has been changed to 8:00 pm, Saturday, February 24.

On Sunday only, February 25, we will hold a three-round Swiss tournament for players 18 years old or older regardless of residency. Ideally sections will have eight players and a competitive rating range; however, the number of players in a section may vary from six to 11, depending on the number of entries and the distribution of ratings. This tournament will be played concurrently with the second day of the 2024 Ohio HSMS Championships tournament: in the same venue, but in its own exclusive space and with its own schedule, its own cash prizes, and its own tournament director. Due to the capacity of the playing space only 48 seats are available for this tournament.

Tournament details:

Sections of approximately eight players each will be defined with the objective of creating competitive rating ranges in each section. If the total number of players is not a multiple of eight, the sections will be adjusted to accommodate all players.

If the number of entries is odd, a house player, if available, will be added in the place indicated by his or her rating to avoid the need for any players to take a bye. The house player will be eligible for a prize if his or her score qualifies. To take into account any last-minute withdrawals and to prevent any no-shows, sections will be defined from those players who are present on Sunday morning at 9:45. To be assured of participating, all players must check in with the tournament director no later than 9:45 am. 

USCF membership is required.

Official USCF Regular ratings as of February 1, 2024 will be used except for players who are officially unrated, in which case their most recent Regular rating published in their tournament history will be used. All players with no published rating will be assigned to the lowest section(s).

The time control is G/45;d5.

Rounds will begin at 10:00, 12:00 and 2:00.

No half-point byes will be allowed.

Notation is required in all sections.

Prizes are $100 for 1st place and $60 for 2nd in each section; a 3rd-place prize of $40 will be added in any section with ten or more players.

Players are expected to provide their own clocks, boards and pieces. CSC will provide scoresheets.


Advance entry only – there will be no onsite registration. All entries must be received by 8:00 pm, Saturday, February 24, 2024 (new deadline). Enter online. The entry fee is $30.

More information/questions:

Email, or phone/text Alan at 513-600-9915.